Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yes, I Am Still Alive

Hello my lovely friends! Ok, I know that I've been gone for a whole 6ish days and haven't written anything, but it's been crazy. First off, the jet lag is not so much fun. There's a decent amount of things that I can't even remember happening. Second, everything has been a whirlwind since we got here. This is the first time I've actually had more than approximately two swconds to go on the internet. I miss the internet. Scratch that, the things I've been doing are a lot more fun than the internet.

I guess I'll start from the beginning. Getting to the centre turned out to be pretty easy; I met up with a bunch of other girls at Heathrow and we managed to rent a bus that dropped us off at the doorstep of 27 palace court. I can't even describe the amazingness of the centre, I'm pretty sure it's the coolest place I'll ever live. It was made in the Victorian era and all sorts of sweet people have lived here. The area is crazy nice-- it would cost 2,000 to rent a flat for one WEEK. Ya. I'll post a picture so you can enjoy it's fabulousness with me. It's right across the street from Hyde park and next to notting hill and bayswater and all sorts of great things to do like shop and eat (not that I've really had time to do it yet). Week nights are definitely a lot more fun here than in Provo.

Higlights thus far (kind of in order of when I did it):
  • The Tube = Awesome. You can go anywhere you're heart desires.

  • The British Museum-- The stereotype may be that museums are boring, but it's totally wrong when it comes to this one. I only went into two rooms in this massive beauty and I saw the rosetta stone (the REAL one), lots o' stuff from the parthenon and a multitude of other greek and roman statues and goodness (granted the British stole it all).

  • Kings Cross-- I'm not going to lie, it's mostly because of Platform nine and three quarters.

  • Getting lost-- totally inevitable and really enjoyable

  • Hyde Park-- did I mention it's right across the street?

  • Dinner-- The resident directors make gourmet meals for us every night. From scratch. It's the best I'm ever going to eat in college for sure.

  • The Accents-- It's officially never going to get old.

  • Wicked-- One word--amazing! It was love. There are so many amazing musicals and plays here. I think we've decided that we have to go to at least one a week.

  • Stonehenge-- It's incredible. And incredibly windy. But mostly just incredible. Plus, it makes for some super sweet pictures which is always important

  • Bath-- I loved everything about this place! It just felt good. The roman baths were really cool to go and look at, and all the streets are fun. There's stuff to look at everywhere. One of the most amazing things about London, and England in general, is that there are so many amazing places that have been around forever. There's a piece of history everywhere you look. Also, it's just fun.
  • Basically, everything-- Admit it, you so wish you were here.

I guess since this is a study abroad program I should do some actual studying (we have to do a ton for classes!), but I'll attach some pictures first so you have something else to do that's more fun than whatever you're supposed to be doing right now.

Me exiting the good old U.S. of A.

One of our not as studious moments in the British Museum

Did I mention that I was accepted to Hogwarts' new university?

Mmmm... good.

Stonehenge being as mysterious as ever

The fabulous and famous Bath

Tune in next time for some more fun! Just think, I did all this is just four days and I'll be here for four months...


Hayley said...

okay, seriously why didn't you pack me in your suitcase? I can't even convey how jealous I am. Make sure you keep writing so I can live vicariously through you for the next four months. Someday I'll go there, scratch that, I'll go to hogwarts, :)

Lee said...
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Lee said...

Natalie! London sounds considerably enviable. It looks and sounds like you are having a jolly time over there. Let me know if you meet any Barwicks, there are bound to be some somewhere. Anyways, I thought platform 9 3/4 was just a hoot and stonehenge was awesome. For some reason I didn't know it was in England. Oh well, I guess I'm just terribly uncultured. One question: You said that the Roman baths felt good? did you actually go in it? that's just walnuts.
anyways, I have my own blog if you're interested. haha it's pretty lame, and I haven't written anything for over a month, but it's . oh yeah and alex balagna's mission blog is

so yeah. i hope everything is tip top. don't engage in too much tom foolery.
